Churches Together in Britain and Ireland - Election 2024

general election



Election resources

Resources provided by churches and Christian organisations for the next UK General Election.

Hustings Guidance for Churches

Hosting a Hustings guidance - Feb 2024Ideas and advice for churches on holding a question time meeting or hustings for the General Election.
Hustings Guidance for Churches (updated) - English
Hustings Guidance for Churches (Welsh)

Hosting a Hustings - Information Webinar

Hosting a Hustings for the General Election - Information WebinarThis webinar, held live on Monday 10 June 2024, explored how local churches, ecumenical groups and other faith-based partnerships can organise hustings or other forms of candidate events in the lead-up to the UK General Election.

Watch the recording on YouTube
Holding a Hustings tips and advice sheet (PDF) 

Black Church Political Mobilisation: A Manifesto for Action

Black Church Political Mobilisation: A Manifesto for Action (Second Edition)Second edition of this manifesto from the National Church Leaders Forum, written to contribute to diversifying political opinions.

Black Church Political Mobilisation: A Manifesto for Action

Bible Society

Bible SocietyThe Bible Society has a range of resources including a leaders guide on Christian engagement in politics, prayer, and a video and booklet from Andy Flannagan.
See General Election 2024: Britain and the Bible

CAFODCAFOD has produced a number of guides for Catholic voters, including a General Election Manifesto, A Year of Encounter and supporter briefings.
CAFOD election guides
Catholic Church in England and Wales

The Catholic Church Bishop's Conference of England and WalesInformation and guidance on key issues of importance to Catholics, to help inform how they vote.
Catholic Church in England and Wales
Catholic Church in Scotland

Bishops' Conference of ScotlandThe Catholic Parliamentary Office has a range of resources including a pastoral letter from the Catholic Bishops of Scotland and suggested questions for candidates.
See the Catholic Parliamentary Office website .

Christians Against Poverty (CAP)

Christians Against Poverty (CAP)CAP has created a tool to make it easy to ask your local candidates key questions about poverty. It also has a map showing where candidates have already been asked questions.
See the CAP website for details .


Christian Aid manifesto

Christian AidChristian Aid is calling on all those who seek to play a role in governing our country to stand up for the choices needed to create a just, more equal and sustainable world
Download the manifesto from the Christian Aid website

Church of Scotland

Church of ScotlandThe Church of Scotland has a page of resources for congregations to assist in their thinking about politics and participation in the democratic process.
See the Church of Scotland website .

Church in Wales

Church in WalesThe Church in Wales has a page covering the General Election including prayers and links to resources.
See the Church in Wales website 

Citizens UK Church resources
Citizens UKTo support its Voter Registration Champion initiative (see News), Citizens UK has produced a number of election resources for churches, which include materials for Voter Registration Week (9-18 June 2024) and ‘Election Sunday’ (last date to hold it is 16 June 2024).
Climate Justice Coalition Info Hub

Climate Justice CoalitionThe Climate Justice Coalition is collating campaigns, actions and resources from across the climate movement to help you navigate the issues in the upcoming election, advocate and make sure your voice is heard on polling day.
See the Climate Justice Coalition website .

Cytun election resources

Cytun Churches Together in WalesCytûn is collating a page of resources available for the General Election available in English and Welsh.


Eco-Congregation Scotland video sermon and reading

Eco-Congregation ScotlandRev David Coleman, EcoChaplain, Eco-Congregation Scotland, has prepared a video sermon and a video reading of Luke 3:10-14 for the election.



Free Churches Group
Free Churches GroupThe Free Churches Group has produced a resource to help you think through some of the key issues in education and how you would like to see the next Government approach them.
Download from the Free Churches Group  


General Election pack for churches

General Election pack for churchesOperation Noah has teamed up with Green Christian to put together a General Election pack to help churches advocate for the protection of climate and nature.
General Election pack for churches


 Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) 

Jesuit Refugee ServiceJRS election resources include questions to ask candidates relating to refugees, guidance on engaging with candidates, and a poster.
Find them on the JRS website
JPIT Election Resources

JPIT logoThe Joint Public Issues Team has a page of resources for the upcoming election including information on the need for Voter ID and how to register to vote, an issue briefing and more.
JPIT Election Resources


JustMoney Movement General Election Briefing

JustMoney MovementThe JustMoney Movement has published a General Election Briefing which introduces economic questions around this election through the lenses of money, fairness and climate.

Download from the JustMoney Movement website  

Let's End Poverty

Let's End PovertyLet's End Poverty, a growing movement against poverty, which includes many churches and Christian organisations, has a web page and toolkit providing advice on how to engage local election candidates.


Pray Your Part

Pray Your Part21-day journey of prayer and reflection (Friday 14 June until Election Day) from the Church of England. Each day will explore a different theme, with a short Bible reading, reflection and prayer for a different aspect of our common life.
Sign up on the Church of England website


Quakers in Britain resources

Quakers in BritainQuakers in Britain has produced a range of resources, including a guide for individuals, groups and meetings on the upcoming general election.
Quakers in Britain General Election resources


ROC Angels
ROC AngelsROC Angels has published General Election guidance about how to engage with candidates in the run-up to polling day.
Salvation Army

Salvation ArmyThe Salvation Army has resources covering four key principles to consider from candidates to build a better world and enable people to live life to the fullest, plus information on voter registration.
Salvation Army election resources

SCIAFSCIAF is encouraging supporters to use their vote to fight injustice and build a better world, and outlines five election priorities. Resources include a supporter manifesto.


Trussell Trust General Election Manifesto
The Trussell Trust, Stop UK HungerTrussell Trust's manifesto  sets out the actions it wants the next UK government to take to build a future without the need for food banks.

It's also asking you to email your candidates  to ask them to sign an Essentials Guarantee.


Voting Like Jesus 
Voting Like JesusA guide by Jubilee+ on 'Leading your heart and your church well in the build up to a General Election.' Published in partnership with CAP, Proximity, Hope into Action, thirtyone:eight and Gather Movement.
Download from Jubilee+  (PDF)



Related resources

Resources that may be useful in the run-up to the next UK General Election.

Politics at the Service of the Common Good

Politics at the Service of the Common GoodCTBI's 2024 series of Lent reflections asked "how might churches and Christians best contribute to shaping and supporting politics?"

CTBI Lent reflections  


Act on Poverty

Act on Poverty Christian Aid is working with UK partners to empower Christians to act on poverty during this general election year, starting with a Lent course.
Act on Poverty


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